
Configure sphinx-watermark in your file.

  1. Add sphinx-watermark to the list of extensions:

    extensions = ['sphinx_watermark']
  2. If you are using a custom image file, specify its directory relative to the file. If no value is given, the path defaults to _static.

    html_static_path = ['_static']
  3. Enable and configure sphinx-watermark in You only have to include the values you want to change from default.

    Below is the bare-minimum config for an Internal\nDraft watermark:

    watermark = {
       'enabled': True,
       'text': 'Internal\nDraft'

    Below are the defaults for all options: (Notice that watermarks are disabled by default.)

    watermark = {
       'enabled': False,
       'selector': {
          'type': 'div',
          'class': 'body'
       'position': {
          'margin': None,
          'repeat': True,
          'fixed': False
       'image': None,
       'text': {
          'content': None,
          'align': 'center',
          'font': 'RubikDistressed',
          'color': (255, 0, 0),
          'opacity': 40,
          'size': 100,
          'rotation': 0,
          'width': 816,
          'spacing': 400,
          'border': {
                'outline': (255, 0, 0),
                'fill': None,
                'width': 10,
                'padding': 30,
                'radius': 20,
  4. Build your docs as normal. The defined watermark should appear behind the text.


    Some Sphinx themes place body content in different CSS divs. See the sphinx-watermark documentation for full configuration details.